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About The Trip

Tell Our Parents We’re Staying

givebus2 July 31, 2019

Hi, my name is Yael Rovt and I’m from Brooklyn, New York. Today, our first stop was at Ben Gordon Airport where we greeted a Nefesh B’Nefesh flight. We greeted all the Aliyot, with singing and dancing. It was so special seeing people just like us giving up there comfortable lifestyles to live in their homeland. Our next stop was the Barcachva Caves where we got to experience what it was like many years ago when people couldn’t just make Aliyah and move to their homeland to learn Torah. They had to hide in caves in order to stay safe. In there, we sang songs and sat in the darkness of the cave, and really took in everything that we had learned. It was a really inspiring and uplifting day, and I’m looking forward to many more amazing experiences on GIVE!!